Brand building in a digital world requires a multiplane camera

I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a post by History Photographed. I think it’s a perfect analogy for brand building in a 2D world. AKA, most DTC brands.  For context, view the post here > As you can see, the multiplane camera zoom effect is more compelling. Now, ask yourself, how many layers… Continue reading Brand building in a digital world requires a multiplane camera

How to build a memorable brand

In a previous post, I emphasized the significance of understanding how your brand is positioned in your customer’s mind, and the unique point of view you convey for that positioning. Today, let’s dive into the crucial aspect of making that unique POV memorable: how can we ensure that our brand sticks in the customer’s mind?… Continue reading How to build a memorable brand

Building a brand that endures starts with a hard question: How do you want your customers to position your brand in their minds?

Said another way, who are you? What do you want to say? What is your unique point of view? Many brands struggle with these questions. I get it; they are challenging. We can barely answer these questions for ourselves. What makes us think we can get together with a team and answer them? Understanding your… Continue reading Building a brand that endures starts with a hard question: How do you want your customers to position your brand in their minds?

Brand Building is World-Building: A Blueprint for Constructing a Unique Identity

The concept of brand building transcends marketing—it’s an act of world-building. Crafting a distinctive identity involves meticulous planning and execution.  Clearly Define Your Vision It is critical to define your vision. What is it that sets your brand apart from the rest? What story do you want to tell, and how is it different from… Continue reading Brand Building is World-Building: A Blueprint for Constructing a Unique Identity